Lend lasting support to the Louvre
As a complement to direct patronage, the Louvre offers donors to its Endowment Fund an opportunity to become a sustainable part of its major public interest projects. Your gift will be preserved and generate revenues each year to support the Louvre sustainably.
You may choose to allocate any amount, without limit, to one of three collective funds, the revenues of which will provide overall funding for one of the Louvre’s core missions:
– Accessibility and transmission: making the Louvre accessible to all, allowing future generations to discover the masterpieces of the museum.
– International recognition of the collections: conserving, enhancing, enriching and studying the exceptional collections of the Louvre.
– Architectural heritage and landscape of the Louvre and Tuileries Garden: studying and taking care of the architectural heritage of the Louvre, former palace of the kings of France, and the Tuileries Garden, created during the Renaissance by Queen Catherine de’ Medici.
By your gift, you become part of the history of the Louvre and play an active role in the life of the museum. Your generosity helps the Louvre carry out the projects you support. Thank you for your generosity.

Tax Matters
Your gift to the Louvre Endowment Fund is 66% tax deductible. The Fund also accepts gifts of securities and temporary usufruct donations.
Thanks to a partnership with the Fondation de France, you can also support the Louvre Endowment Fund and reduce your French wealth tax on real estate (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière). All practical aspects are detailed in the brochure below.
From foreign countries (in particular the USA and European countries), you can take advantage of tax benefits provided by the laws of your country of residence.